Focus created by Cambridge English Online offers a wide range of fun, free
phonetics lessons and games specifically designed for all ages. It provides a
variety of enjoyable, interactive resources helpful for learning and teaching
English pronunciation and the knowledge of phonetics. The website can be
accessed via the following link given “”.
With its stylish, innovative design, the website is attractive, showing the
icons of the features, through which the users can simply access the interested
lessons provided. Every activity has clear instructions. This is a heartily
recommended website to English pronunciation teachers, as well as learners, as
it presents a more entertaining style of English phonetics learning, including
phonemic chart, phonemic chart quiz and many various, creative games. Teachers
may embark on using the interactive phonemic chart, showing the active phonetic
symbols with audio recordings and example words where a particular sound exists
before allowing the students to enter the phonemic chart quiz. After going
through the phonemic chart, the students will become familiar with all the
phonetic symbols and the English sounds they represent. Then teachers may pick
one of the games to reinforce the students’ better understanding of phonetics
and sound production. Another interesting function teachers may find useful is
“Flashcard Maker”.
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