Monday, August 27, 2012

2. Critical Evaluation of a CALL Software Package

Issues in English is a very interesting, interactive CALL software application as it allows students to learn English language through eight topical issues concerning animal rights, discrimination, euthanasia, gambling, the environment, smoking, growing old and public transport. The software program has emphasis on assisting students in enhancing their vocabulary, grammar, speaking and writing. The current review will thoroughly discuss the usefulness of such a software package in promoting the development of the speaking and listening skills. A main navigation menu has four different levels of language difficulty from the fundamental to advanced level, one of which student can select. Getting started to learn English through the program is simply straightforward by selecting the level and moving the cursor onto an icon representing an issue. The pronunciation of each issue is automatically activated as soon as the cursor is moved onto its icon. Each issue is presented in a video clip in which a person shown only his or her face in the video shares a story related to the issue. Every issue has the option ‘Getting started’ that provides students with comprehension questions, clozes, spelling drills and dictation which I find very challenging but absolutely useful. By doing dictation exercises, students can practice listening, spelling and writing. Students can choose to watch a video with or without a script, in which some words can be activated to show their definitions. Some words show their meanings by photos representing their meanings. Students can listen to the recordings of all the sentences in the script. It always has a help icon and clear instructions for the exercises.
In the speaking exercises at all levels of Issues in English, students can record their pronunciation of words and sentences and compare it with the recordings of native pronunciation of English. Learning pronunciation by listening to and imitating the pronunciation of native English speakers is an effective way of improving pronunciation. In the listening exercises available in only the first and second level, there are two types of exercises. One is matching spoken and written words. The other is matching a picture and spoken sentence. Listening exercises are interesting and impressive as the software program will give an immediate encouraging response to the answer.
All in all, Issues in English Version 1, I find it productive and useful for English language development, especially speaking and listening skills as it provides pronunciation of words and words in contexts. It is suitable for self-learning and classroom practice. Teachers can use the topics in Issues in English to encourage conversation and discussion in the classroom. Its strength lies in presenting English language in contexts. Its weakness lies in the way all videos are presented is the same. Different ways of video presentation will help promote students’ interest.

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